BC pampers us again with a cute skin and a cute outfit. Wear your group tag and grab it!
BC nos mima otra vez con una piel muy mona y un conjuntito también muy mono. Ponte el tag del grupo y cógelos!
And from the lucky board from Skifija i got this nice shoes with hud to change all the colours.
Y de la lucky board de Skifija tengo estas sandalias con hud para cambiarle el color a todo.
Skin and outfit/ Piel y ropa: Group gift from BC
Shoes/Zapatos: Lucky board gift from Skifija
Thursday, 31 March 2011
The Unknown Hunt 1
This hunt is for new stores that opened after November 1st 2010. It starst on April 1st and ends on 30st. So perhaps is a nice oportunity to know all the new tallents in sl, huh?
En esta caza participan tiendas nuevas en SL que no estuvieran abiertas antes del 1 de Noviembre. Empieza el 1 de Abril, y termina el 30. Así que... quizás en una buena oportunidad para conocer los nuevos talentos en sl, no?
Wings/Alitas: PomPomPom - Butterfly Wings (TUH)
Diadema/headband: PomPomPom - Butterfly HeadBand (TUH)
Unisex T-shit/Camiseta unisex: PomPomPom - Spring Tshirt (TUH)
Pants/Pantalones: PomPomPom - Red Corduroys (Skinny & Flared) Dollarbie
Chaise Lounge-table-lamp-rub/Chaise Lounge-Mesita-Lámpara-Alfombra: [Blackbird] Unknown Hunt Spring Gift
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Mixing things
Outfit: Suscribe gift in SE*Designz
Hair/Pelo: .+*HSAC*+. Hair ::COEUR:: Lucky board gift
Bracalets/Pulseras: .::BeautyCode::.Gold Bangles /Designer Circle Dollarbie
Earrings/Pendientes: [ glow ] studio - Galaxy Clips [dollarbie]
Shoes/Zapatos: **[label mode] Stiletto special :: group
Skin/Piel: Moonshadow lola pale Gold - NEW RELEASE
* COG DESIGN * Esta es la ropa que podemos encontrar en los MM
This are the clothes you can find in the MMs of this store.
Sweet bites
This store opens today their new main store and you can find there this short and the scarf for free.
Cute, huh?
Esta tienda abre las puertas de su nueva main store y nos deja free este short y la bufanda, monos verdad?
But that's not all, you can find all the stuff in the store only 70 L$ untill tomorrow 10 pm (spanish time). And a discounted area Yaaaayyyy!
Pero esto no es todo, hasta mañana a las 10 pm hora española, todos lo que se vende en la tienda está a 70 L$. Y además hay un área de descuento Yaaayyyy!
Dress/Vestido: #Sweet Bites#Sweater/Dress wool (Baby Pink) 70 L$
Skin/Piel: Veratyns dark * Dark pink (70 L$) (with teeth or without/ con dientecitos o no)
Landmark: Sweet Bites
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Vinyl Cafe - New group gift
This nice gown is the new group gift from Vinyl Cafe
Este vestido de noche es el nuevo regalo de grupo de Vinyl Cafe
Monday, 28 March 2011
Okey Designs - Clothing for men

Poised - Ali&Ali
Outfit/Ropa: ::Poised:: Gossip NEW RELEASE
Hairs from left to right/ Pelo de izquierda a derecha:
1. AA Hecate Hair Fire: Offer in marketplace
2. AA Hecate Hair Ash: Group gift from Ali&Ali
3. AA Drift Mohawk Black Onyx: Freebie in Yip Chayoo 's Affiliate Store
4. AA Tony Hair Darkbrown: Offer in marketplace
5. AA Winny Hair Cyan: Offer in marketplace
6. AA Hecate Hair Fire: Offer in marketplace
7. AA Winny Hair Lightblonde: Voting presents (this is free and can be found by the voting wall in the hair section/ Free por voto ( este pelo se puede conseguir en la pared de votos de la sección de pelo) Ali&Ali
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Kyoot - Essences
Dress/Vestido: Kyoot - He Loves Me Best Dress (Red - Suscribe Gift)
Hair/Pelo: .+*HS*+. Group 4000 Thank you Hair ::GAST::
Skin/Piel: :: ESSENCES :: Vivienne Mocha (2)
Shoes/Zapatos: ::TARA::Stiletto Point G Mix Red (past MM gift)
Jewells/Joyería: Same as the last entry / las mismas que en la entrada anterior :)
Shopping day... without spending money :))
Skin/ Piel: group gift from Letituer
Dress/Vestido: dollarbie in Letituer
Hand shopping bag with pose/ bolsa con pose: Freebie en Letituer
Shoes/Zapatos: SOM gift from Label mode
Earrings/ Pendientes: Dollarbie from Glow Studio
Necklace/Collar: *HolliPocket* Plain Pearl Pez (no free)
Saturday, 26 March 2011
* SYTLE EXTREM * Para los chicos chaqueta sport
For guys this sport jacket
* THE DEATH * Vestido del MM con varias opciones
MM dress with multiple options
Bubblez - Limited time offer
This complete outfit with short, bra, shirt, hair and earrings only 90 L$ for a limited time in Bubblez Designs
Este outfit completo con short, top, camisa, pelo y pendientes por sólo 90 L$ por tiempo limitado en Bubblez Designs
Skin/Piel: :: ESSENCES :: Vivienne Mocha (3) NEW RELEASE
Shoes/Zapatos: Reek - Boston Boots - Navy - 50L Fridays!
Blue Waves
This is a pretty new shop. Here you can find MMs, lucky board, lucky chairs, dollarbie and cute neko style outfits for a nice price.
Esta tienda es bastante nueva. Aquí podréis econtrar MMs, lucky board, lucky chairs, dollarbie y ropita mona de estilo neko por un precio muy asequible.
BW - Baby Scratch
Esta tienda es bastante nueva. Aquí podréis econtrar MMs, lucky board, lucky chairs, dollarbie y ropita mona de estilo neko por un precio muy asequible.
MM outfit
BW - Baby Scratch
New releases
BW - Love Sucks
BW - Red Lips
BW - Your Call
Landmark: Blue Wave Style
Crime Scene featuring Holli Pocket

The Stuff.
Hair: Cake - Victoria
Skin: Tuli - Zoe - Timeless Treasures Hunt item (over)
Sunglasses - Maschienenwerk - Wayfarer - 0L
Necklace: Bubblez Design - Rain Pearl Necklace - 0L (group gift)
Top (long sleeve): Holli Pocket - Tie Me Up Pretty - 120L
Top (cropped): Holli Pocket - Lacey Lowers - 200L
Skirt (dark): couverture - A/W Skirt - 0L (group gift)
Skirt (light): Icing - Angle Food Cake (part of outfit) - 0L (former lucky board item)
Belt (worn w/ light skirt): chuculet - low waist leather - 2L
Shoes: MaMia - open toed high heel sandals
Location: RWB World
Friday, 25 March 2011
Albero kawaii hunt (4)
Thursday, 24 March 2011
- Nuevo regalo de grupo que podeis encontrar en la tienda * THE DEATH *
New group gift from the shop * THE DEATH *

Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Poised - Chika outfit
This is the new release from Poised. An outfit with miniskirt and top. Each pack comes with 4 tops in diferent colours to convine. Thank you Poise <3
Esta es la última novedad de Poised. Un outfit on minifalda y top. Cada pack tiene 4 tops de diferentes colores para poder combinarlos. Gracias Poise <3
::Poised:: Chika Gray
::Poised:: Chika Fade
::Poised:: Chika Ecru
::Poised:: Chika Navy
::Poised:: Chika Coal
Landmark: Poised
Esta es la última novedad de Poised. Un outfit on minifalda y top. Cada pack tiene 4 tops de diferentes colores para poder combinarlos. Gracias Poise <3
::Poised:: Chika Gray
::Poised:: Chika Fade
::Poised:: Chika Ecru
::Poised:: Chika Navy
::Poised:: Chika Coal
Landmark: Poised
VINYL CAFE - Dollarbie a day
The new dollarbie a day from Vinyl Cafe in The Dominion
El nuevo dollarbie del día de Vinyl Cafe en The Dominion
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Albero Kawaii hunt (3)
House/Casa: ::MH:: Kawaii Hunt Prize (AKH)
Blouse/Blusa: Noirilicious Top Strawberries (AKH)
Make up/Maquillaje: =HooT= Ladybug eyes (AKH)
Earrings/Pendientes: Willow Full Feather earrings (AKH)
Hair/Pelo: .+*HS*+. Hair ::KIMY:: Brown (Move for F of Japan) 120 L$
Shorts: Part of Friday outfit from Bubblez Design
Cheapeu: Ingenue :: Teetering Teacups Chapeau :: (AKH)
TV: {Tasty}-Mine Mini T.V. (AKH)
Chairs and wall emboidery/Sillas y bordados de la pared: Second Spaces Kawaii Cute set (AKH)
Desk/escritorio: :CP: Kawaii Cupcake Desk (AKH)
Olive Juice- Super Kawaii! Pose Pack (AKH)
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