Another fair has begun last days. Lot of exclusives, frees and offers from different designers and all of them in the same sim. You can not miss it!
Estos últimos días ha empezado otra feria. Un montón de exclusivos, regalitos y ofertas de diferentes diseñadores y todas en el mismo sim. No te lo puedes perder!!
Skin/Piel: ::Modish:: ShweeterU-candy- fatpack
{PRF) - Will open on 4th August/Abre el 4 de agosto
Hair/Pelo: **Dura-Girl**22(Chocolate)
Dress/Vestido: ***ArisAris Rig78 Joie to Sense (shoes included/ Zapatos incluidos)-
Exclusive in
Vanity Fair
MDL - Bag Beach Kit (Rorf) (comes with protect sun bodymilk and towel with animation/viene con un protector solar y una toalla con pose) -
Skin/Piel: MDL -Petronela Dollarbie in
Hair/Pelo: MONS / Hair - Mare Fatpack - Free in the last hair fair
Dress/Vestido: ***ArisAris Rig79 Joie de vivre (shoes included/ Zapatos incluidos) -
Exclusive in
Vanity Fair
MDL - Bag Beach Kit (Purf) (comes with protect sun bodymilk and towel with animation/viene con un protector solar y una toalla con pose) -