Saturday, 31 December 2016
Glamistry - ASTER Heels [PF1017] - FLF
Just Magnetized - Basic Hairbase - set 15
IDTTY - Bish Box - Cold Spirit Tattoo
**RE** Bad Girl Shorts - Blue 1
UNISEX[MANDALA]Chunkeey_Jewelry_Set_24k GOLD (Bracelet)
Bens Beatuy - Dokata Watch Combin
~Tableau Vivant~ Rasayana hair
Catya bento head by Catwa
Maitreya body
Vista bento hands
Skin by Glam affair
Showing full set
MadPea 2017 Balloons - available in silver and gold free Friday group gift.
Thursday, 29 December 2016
Unicorn Ice Cream
Yokai it's participating at the SaNaRae event with some of the cutest things for unicorn fans.
The Carousel is simply amazing ♥
~♥~ Stylecard ~♥~
HEAD: Lelutka Leda - from LelutkaThe Carousel is simply amazing ♥
~♥~ Stylecard ~♥~
SHAPE: Using [Coffee Break]'s Café Bombón with a bit of modding - Find her at [Coffee Break]'s MARKETPLACE ♥
EYES: Lady Winter Collection - 5 different colours (Classic and Mesh Avatar Compatible) - from Out of Orbit at the Winter Solstice event (no longer available?) ♥
SKIN: Glam Affair – Part of the LeLutka Mesh Head – LEDA HUD – from Lelutka
LIPSTICK: .:[PUMEC] :.-.:MARIKO:.- / Shiny Shabby GIFT \ – Old Gift
NAILS: Veechi - Mirror Pigment Nails - Group Gift at Veechi
HAIR: +Spellbound+ Astarte // Group Gift / June - Old Group Gift
BODY: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.5
DRESS: Belle Epoque { Tiffany Lavender } - FabFree Group Gift at Belle Epoque
HORN: 3. Yokai - Magic unicorns - unicorn Horn(roses) silver - GACHA for SaNaRae event ♥
ICE CREAM: 6. Yokai - Magic unicorns - Unicorn ice cream - GACHA for SaNaRae event
MASK: *PROMAGIC* Slutty - Mask (Silver) - Old Fetish Fair Gacha from PROMAGIC
BOOTS: *PROMAGIC* Slutty - Boots (Silver) - Old Fetish Fair Gacha from PROMAGIC
POSE: {PINGPONG} Group Gift December Pack - Group Gift at PINGPONG
PROPS: *CS* Ludic Dreams - Old Group Gift from Come Soon Poses
CHART / KEY: (click to enlarge)
Enjoy the coffee ♥
Tuesday, 27 December 2016
In my messy Inventory - 475
Skin/Piel: .::WoW Skins::. 2016 Marylin Catwa applier
Lipgloss/Pintalabios: .::WoW Skins::. Marylin Lipstick catwa applier
Hair/Pelo: {Letituier} Cersei Hair - Lost & Found
Manicure/Manicura: Candy Nail M#003 Glitter Nails for Maitreya - ON9
Jewels/Joyas: Part of HJ - Mangalsutra Set - Silver & Diamonds - SWANK
Sweater: ArisAris/B&W-Handy SweaterDress & Shirt~Hud change
Tights/medias: Izzie's - Chevron Tights (unpacked)
Boots/Botas: Slipper - Aspen Boots - Lost & Found
Pose: XXY - Funny 5 - Lost & Found
KraftWork Wall System - Classic - Lost & Found
i { DH } Gacha! Vintage Dollhouse Bookshelf - Lost & Found
i { DH } Gacha! Vintage Toy Kitchen RARE - Lost & Found
i { DH } Gacha! Vintage Toy Box Bench - Lost & Found
i { DH } Gacha! Vintage Toy Car - Lost & Found
i { DH } Gacha! Vintage Christmas Ball - Lost & Found
i { DH } Gacha! Vinage Toy Rocking Horse RARE - Lost & Found
i { DH } Gacha! Vintage Toy Wagon - Lost & Found
{e} Book Tree with Lights 1
[Cb] Geo Retro Rug - Pink
DJ / SF Vintage Xmas Gift Boxes
Gorgeous VeroModero
Dear reader.
Picture1 and Picture2
Gown : [VM] VERO MODERO / Nike Gown*
Hair : *Besom~Sita *Browns*
pose : *PosESioN* Madeleine Set
body : Maitreya Lala
location : The Fallen
picture3 and picture4
Gown : [VM] VERO MODERO / Diana Gown*
location : THE WILD
Hope those dress would be your one of special gown!
Thanks for coming to my blog.
Picture1 and Picture2
Gown : [VM] VERO MODERO / Nike Gown*
Hair : *Besom~Sita *Browns*
pose : *PosESioN* Madeleine Set
body : Maitreya Lala
location : The Fallen
picture3 and picture4
Gown : [VM] VERO MODERO / Diana Gown*
location : THE WILD
Hope those dress would be your one of special gown!
Thanks for coming to my blog.
Style1205 Kay
United Colors -UC_Lucifer_all in 1_Aesthetic_Slink_Tmp
7mad;Ravens Dominant Necklace
L'Etre - Horn Mesh Ears
United Colors - UC_Flower_dress_all in 1_Maitreya_Slink_Belleza NEW@ Kustom 9
Veechi - Glitter Lipstick [Vampy] New @ N21
Noble Creation - [NC] - Christmas Garden Plant - Gift
**RE** Lolita Necklace
Truth Hair - Xia - 12 days of Xmas Sale
Pose by Lushish Poses - Taking you - NEW @ Roulett3 - Coming soon ( Jan Round)
Shelby's Finds #119
Skin: Glam Affair - Lucrezia for LeLutka
Hair: Truth - Ari @ Uber
Eyes: AviGlam - Entice Eyes @ Cosmopolitan
Top: Vinyl - Ephixa Leather Jacket Combo @ Uber
Jeans: Vinyl - Halsey Bootcut Jeans
Scarf: Vinyl - Wrapped Scarf @ Uber
Boots: Avenge - Glam Ankle Boots @ Cosmopolitan
Head: LeLutka - Simone 2.0 Bento
Body: Maitreya
Hands: Vista Animations - ProHands 2.0
Feet: Slink - Mid
Decor Items
Codex - Vintage Poster (The Doors & The Beatles)
What Next - Hanging Guitar
Ionic - I'm so Rock and Roll
Cheeky Pea - Desert Rose Paisley Pouffe
Concrete Gypsy
~♥~ Stylecard ~♥~
EYES: {D.A} Group Gift Real Eyes - Brown - Old Group Gift
SKIN: Glam Affair - Part of the LeLutka Mesh Head - LEDA HUD - from Lelutka
LIPSTICK: .:[PUMEC] :.-.:MARIKO:.- / Shiny Shabby GIFT \ - Old Gift
EARS: [PUMEC] Christmas Gift - Part of the Group Gift that also contains a skin for Catwa and body appliers - from PUMEC
HAIR: *Alice Project* Gabriella w/ Scarf - Special - Advent Calendar (Day 25 - Run before it disappears!) at Alice Project
TATTOO: .:AS:. Moly July - Group Gift at Aurica Store
BODY: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.5
TOP: !TLB - Evie Tops w/HUD - Midnight Mania at The Little Bat
JEANS: enertia I skinny jeans v3 w/HUD - Group Gift at Alterego (Check Notices) - The store it's closing Dec. 31
CHOKER: Corvus : Cross Choker - FREE at Corvus Marketplace
RINGS & BRACELET: [HJ] Nova - Ladies Collection - Advent Calendar at KittyCats!
SHOES: {Livalle} Chyna -Lace up Platform Boot- Geometric - Group Gift at Livalle
PROPS & POSE: *CS* Model 02 - Old Gift at Come Soon Poses
Enjoy the coffee ♥
Monday, 26 December 2016
Santa's Little Helper
Happy Holidays to you all! ♥
~♥~ Stylecard ~♥~
SKIN: !RT!:.:Dorothy Skin:.: (Comes in 4 tones + appliers) - Find it at Rotten Toe's Marketplace
SHAPE: Santa's Little Helper - NEW! Cute petite shape at only 5L$. Find it at [Coffee Break]'s MARKETPLACE ♥
EYES: MESANGE - London Eyes BEAUTY PACK - They are exclusive for Premium Only Event.
The event runs from Dec 17th to January 7th ♥
FRECKLES: Izzie's - Silver Glitter Freckles (Christmas Gift) - available for a short period at Izzie's
EYELINER: Izzie's - Candy Cane Eye Make-Up (Christmas Gift) - available for a short period at Izzie's
LIPSTICK: [PF] Lipstick - Shine (pink/teeth) - Group Gift at Pink Fuel
HAIR: *ARGRACE* Santa Hat 2016 / Female - FREE Gift at ARGRACE
BODY: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.5
SWEATER: !gO! Irena sweater - Maitreya Lara (Day 17) - Past Advent Calendar Gift at !gO!
TOP: [Glitzz] Xmas Cosmo Advent Top - Advent Gift at Cosmopolitan
PRESENT & POSE: oOo Studio: Gifts for Cosmopolitan Advent 2016 - Advent Gift at Cosmopolitan
CHART / KEY: (click the image to enlarge)
Enjoy the coffee ♥
Sunday, 25 December 2016
In my messy Inventory - 474
A look with reds for tonight.....
By the way... Merry Christmas to everybody!!!
Skin/Piel: .::WoW Skins::SOPHIA CATWA BENTO applier - TWE12VE EVENT
Hair/Pelo: no.match_ ~ NO_OFFENCE ~ ON9
Nails/Uñas: Nailed It - All in One - Gold Stud Set - ON9
Jacket/Chaqueta: Entice - Winter Winds Coat - Tres Chic
Jeans: Alien Gizmo's : Tatum Pants (exclusive mesh)
By the way... Merry Christmas to everybody!!!
Skin/Piel: .::WoW Skins::SOPHIA CATWA BENTO applier - TWE12VE EVENT
Hair/Pelo: no.match_ ~ NO_OFFENCE ~ ON9
Nails/Uñas: Nailed It - All in One - Gold Stud Set - ON9
Jacket/Chaqueta: Entice - Winter Winds Coat - Tres Chic
Jeans: Alien Gizmo's : Tatum Pants (exclusive mesh)
Saturday, 24 December 2016
One Winged Angel
MESANGE, as their slogan reads, is "for your eyes only".
This beautiful store dedicated to create eyes is participating in many events this month. One of them is Lost & Found, where you can find these gorgeous eyes named Percy.
All their eyes come in standard, mesh and Omega appliers. Beauty Packs come with all this plus Genesis Lab appliers.
ERDE is also participating at another event: The Fantasy Collective.
Their new gacha is a gorgeous skin for Catwa that comes with lots of appliers and two versions: Angel or Demon.
The secret prize you say? You'll have to play the gacha to discover it ;)
~♥~ Stylecard ~♥~
HEAD: CATWA HEAD Bibi V4.10 - from Catwa
EYES: MESANGE - Percy Eyes BEAUTY PACK - Percy is the exclusive for Lost and Found event that starts on Dec 22nd - Find it at Lost & Found ♥
BODY: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.5
HAIR: *Alice Project* Ilaria - Winter Shimmer HUD - Advent Gift at Alice Project
BODYSUIT: .:MMC:. Alyson BodySuit [December Gift] - Group Gift from MMC Store
WINGS: :.Envious.: La Nuit (wings part of the outfit) - Old Gift
CHART / KEYS: (click the images to enlarge)
Enjoy the coffee ♥
Shelby's Finds #118
Skin: Glam Affair - Sammy for LeLutka (America)
Hair: Wasabi Pills - Chiyomi @ The Forest
Eyes: AviGlam - Entice Eyes @ Cosmopolitan
Jacket & Top: Blueberry - Radiance Denim Jacket
Pants: Absolut Vendetta - Eris Skinny Jeans @ Cosmopolitan
Shoes: Essenz - Calgary @ The Liaison Collaborative
Earrings: Secrets - Solaris Earring @ Cosmopolitan
Necklace: Codex - Prentyss Necklace @ Cosmopolitan
Head: LeLutka - Simone Bento 2.0
Body: Maitreya
Hands: Vista Animations - Bento ProHand v2
Feet: Slink - High
Decor Items
Chic Buildings - 12 Days Book and Jar Decor
Sources - Sopalin @ Cosmopolitan
Zerkalo - Hot Chocolate (Winter Edition)
Zerkalo - Basket @ Group Gift
LeLutka - Gratiam Tree @ Group Gift (in notices)
BananaN - Gigi Gacha (Cluster of Frames/Clocks)
Scarlet Creative - Lovecraft Gothic Cottage
Sources - Christmas 2016 Rug @ Cosmopolitan
Absolut Vendetta,
Chic Buildings,
Glam Affair,
Scarlet Creative,
Vista Animations,
Wasabi Pills,
Friday, 23 December 2016
- Look 717 - Merry Christmas *¨¨*:•.-:¦:-
Hair: Love - Hair [Habits] Oddities Hud @ Shiny Shabby Evento.
Olhos: Mesange - Gilda Eyes {Criador Jadis Ashland} - Vem com Hud + Omega Hud + Eyes Classic + Mesh Eyes @ Inspiration SL Evento - Exclusivo do Evento.
{Roupas & Acessórios}
Sweater: Ashmoot - Cool Knit Sweater Deer @ Designer Circle - Rodada 145 (18 de Dezembro a 07 de Janeiro).
Short: BBOS - Vusi Short Jeans White - Nas versões Maitreya + Hourglass + TMP + Freya + Outras versões Disponíveis - Com 7 Cores Diferentes.
Meias: Luxuria - Lace Trim Thigh High Socks - Nas versões Maitreya + Slink + Omega - Com Hud de 8 Cores @ Fifty Linden Fridays - Por 50 Lindens.
Touca: Ashmoot - Pon Pon Cappy @ Designer Circle - Rodada 145.
Bota: Perch - Meg Boots - Com Hud de 4 Cores @ Women Only Hunt - Até dia 24 de Dezembro - Tem que procurar um Floco de Neve - Free.
Colar: Mosquito's Way - Snowflake Necklace - Na árvore de Natal @ Tres Chic Evento - Não precisa de Grupo - Free.
Raposas: Jian - Arctic Fox Collection.
Pose com Bolas de Natal: Exposeur Poses & Props - Frosty Snowflakes com 5 Poses - Por 1 Linden.
.:: Designer Circle ::. - THE DISCOUNT STORE,
Love Hair,
Mesange Eyes,
second life,
Shiny Shabby,
Shelby's Finds #117
Skin: Pumec - TFC Gacha #11 (May) @ The Fantasy Collective
Hair: Runaway - May Hair @ The Liaison Collaborative
Eyes: Pumec - TFC Gacha #6 @ The Fantasy Collective
Ears: Pumec - TFC Gacha #4 @ The Fantasy Collective
Dress: Apple May Designs - May Hoodie @ The Liaison Collaborative
Shoes: Essenz - Las Vegas @ Shiny Shabby
Pose: Nantra - Charmed, I'm Sure #6
Lipstick: Pumec - TFC Gacha #7 @ The Fantasy Collective
Head: Catwa - Dyana
Body & Shape: Maitreya
Hands: Slink - Casual
Feet: Slink - High
Decor Item
Death Row Designs - Post Apocalyptic Makeshift Refuge
Thursday, 22 December 2016
Style 1202
CIRCA - "Snow Valley" Cutout Christmas Tree - Blue Plaid - Gift @ Winter Trend
CIRCA - "Snow Valley" Ottoman Seat B - Blue Quilt (6 poses) Gift @ Winter Trend
MadPea Christmas Calendar
Pewpew! Ladder Christmas Tree (With Balls)
[noctis] Christmas Beetle Dome
Madpea Production brings to you Bish Box
LUXE. Adele Necklaces
PHEDORA / Dahlia heels / 25 C
United Colors - UC_Sindy_pearl_fur_top_bishbox_Maitreya_Slink_Belleza
(Yummy) Ghiaccio Cateye Frames
Doe: Its Cold Outside - BishBox Exclusive
Madpea Production - Deco(c)rate
:CP: Snowflake Sledge Chaise (PG)
Ariskea {Winter Nostalgia} Garland
[Schultz Bros.] Cozy Winter Cabin
keke ] little winter tree
Blueberry - Denise - Knee High Reign Sizes - Black (WEAR ME)
Shelby's Finds #116
Skin: Glam Affair - Emily for LeLutka (Asia)
Hair: Doe - Little Lights (Monotone) @ The Fantasy Collective
Outfit: Just Because - Willow (Christmas) @ Group Gift
Shoes: Essenz - Frankfurt @ Winter Trend
Light String: Caboodle - Tangled String Lights @ Group Gift
Poses: BellePoses - Tasty X-mas
Head: LeLutka - Simone
Body & Shape: Maitreya
Hands: Slink - Casual
Feet: Slink - High
Decor Item
Bee Designs - Winter Garden Bed
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
The wait is over, LeLutka’s Bento mesh head Simone is finally out!
~♥~ Stylecard ~♥~
EYES: Rustic Eyes - GREEN & RED ONLY - They also come with appliers for Omega and Genesis Lab - TACH Hunt Prize - FREE at Out of Orbit ♥
BODY: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.5
Enjoy the coffee ♥
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
*FlowerDreams Store Wide Hunt
Dear reader.
*FLOWERDREAMS is running the store hunt until 31th December. (No require to join group)
Nile has ready 22 gifts for you / 20L each.
she put different objects as Christmas bells or confetti ribbons or mistletoe, Christmas sticks or dwarfs or cupids & hearts....
The gifts are mesh gown and applier (for Belleza / Maitreya / Slink ) gown and lingerie, and only for classic avater gown and Makeup applier for Catwa head and more! Woo!
I want to share the some of item in this post. Waiting for you a lot of more wonderful prize.
Dress : .:FlowerDreams:.Daphne - orange @ Hunt item
Hair : :::Phoenix::: Yasmin Hair Dark Browns
Gown : .:FlowerDreams:.Chrissy @ Hunt item
Gown : .:FlowerDreams:.Aisha - red @ Hunt item
*Cloth applier for Maitreya / Slink / Belleza, and System layer for Standar avater.
*Including gold tiara
Gown : .:FlowerDreams:.Aisha - black @ Hunt item
*Cloth applier for Maitreya / Slink / Belleza, and System layer for Standar avater.
*Including gold tiara
Lingerie : .:FlowerDreams:.Nicky - magenta @ Hunt item
*Cloth applier for Maitreya / Slink / Belleza, and System layer for Standar avater.
Hair : TRUTH HAIR Fenella - variety
Lingerie : .:FlowerDreams:.Kath @ Hunt item
*Cloth applier for Maitreya / Slink / Belleza, and System layer for Standar avater.
Gown : .:FlowerDreams:.Eloise @ Hunt item
There is a lot of more wonderful item in this hunt! Visit to main store and grab the prize!
Thanks for reading!
*FLOWERDREAMS is running the store hunt until 31th December. (No require to join group)
Nile has ready 22 gifts for you / 20L each.
she put different objects as Christmas bells or confetti ribbons or mistletoe, Christmas sticks or dwarfs or cupids & hearts....
The gifts are mesh gown and applier (for Belleza / Maitreya / Slink ) gown and lingerie, and only for classic avater gown and Makeup applier for Catwa head and more! Woo!
I want to share the some of item in this post. Waiting for you a lot of more wonderful prize.
Dress : .:FlowerDreams:.Daphne - orange @ Hunt item
Hair : :::Phoenix::: Yasmin Hair Dark Browns
Gown : .:FlowerDreams:.Chrissy @ Hunt item
Gown : .:FlowerDreams:.Aisha - red @ Hunt item
*Cloth applier for Maitreya / Slink / Belleza, and System layer for Standar avater.
*Including gold tiara
Gown : .:FlowerDreams:.Aisha - black @ Hunt item
*Cloth applier for Maitreya / Slink / Belleza, and System layer for Standar avater.
*Including gold tiara
Lingerie : .:FlowerDreams:.Nicky - magenta @ Hunt item
*Cloth applier for Maitreya / Slink / Belleza, and System layer for Standar avater.
Hair : TRUTH HAIR Fenella - variety
Lingerie : .:FlowerDreams:.Kath @ Hunt item
*Cloth applier for Maitreya / Slink / Belleza, and System layer for Standar avater.
Gown : .:FlowerDreams:.Eloise @ Hunt item
There is a lot of more wonderful item in this hunt! Visit to main store and grab the prize!
Thanks for reading!
Monday, 19 December 2016
Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday
Wishing everyone an advance Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday, will be back on the 27th December..
And for you who doesnt know, Jumo has come out with their new hair.. yeas.. new hair.. check them out !!.
Hair @ .:JUMO:. Lima Hair Blondes - Straight and Roots - new release
Ear @:::KC::: Earmuffs - Designer Showcase
Top @:::KC::: Rustic Sweater - Designer Showcase
Top Photo 2@ Snow Day Sweater in Red - More Than Ever - Designer Showcase
Tights@[ZE] Eirwen Sweater Dress + Jeweled Tights - Designer Showcase
Shoes@ LEGENDAIRE THASCYA OUTFIT -sneakers - Designer Showcase
Location @SHIKI VILLAGE , SHIKI VILLAGE (146, 114, 22) - Moderate

And for you who doesnt know, Jumo has come out with their new hair.. yeas.. new hair.. check them out !!.
Hair @ .:JUMO:. Lima Hair Blondes - Straight and Roots - new release
Ear @:::KC::: Earmuffs - Designer Showcase
Top @:::KC::: Rustic Sweater - Designer Showcase
Top Photo 2@ Snow Day Sweater in Red - More Than Ever - Designer Showcase
Tights@[ZE] Eirwen Sweater Dress + Jeweled Tights - Designer Showcase
Shoes@ LEGENDAIRE THASCYA OUTFIT -sneakers - Designer Showcase
Location @SHIKI VILLAGE , SHIKI VILLAGE (146, 114, 22) - Moderate

Sunday, 18 December 2016
The Wrath of the Snow Queen
Ari Starr (Arinael Resident) is the creator behind Out of Orbit, a brand new store with a very bright future.
She started creating nail appliers, continued with some amazing eyes and who knows what is she crafting at this very moment. Nothing stops this girl! ♥
Make sure to pay a visit to her inworld store and marketplace because she's always updating them with new creations and goodies.
~♥~ Stylecard ~♥~
HEAD: Lelutka Leda - from Lelutka
EYES: Heavenly Eyes - 5 different colors (Classic and Mesh Avatar Compatible) - NEW! from Out of Orbit. You can find them and another stunning pack at The Naughty List event ♥
SKIN: Glam Affair (Lelutka Heads) Skin Appliers - Group Gift at Lelutka (Join the group for free and click the lipstick at the table)
HAIR: eXxEsS Hair : X-MAS 2016 - NEW! Rigged mesh hairstyle with and without materials and breeze option. Comes with 2 HUDS with 56 colors each, and another HUD for the baubles - FREE at eXxEsS
BODY: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.5
DRESS: Frost - For the POE9 Hunt- FREE at PurpleMoon
CIRCLET: 13.Yokai -Golden dreams - Nimbus - static silver (rotate and static version) - GACHA at On9 ♥
POSE: HelaMiyo - Poses - Cyber (10 mirrored static poses) - from HelaMiyo
Enjoy the coffee ♥
Saturday, 17 December 2016
~♥~ Stylecard ~♥~
HEAD: [AK] Mesh Head Lola Vers. 1.5.1 (BENTO) from AKERUKA
SKIN: [ MUDSKIN ]_Helena_Set1(Logo / OMEGA Applier) - designed for Logo Head but being OMEGA based, looks wonderful with Akeruka and Catwa alike - SALE! at MUDSKIN
HAIR: little bones. Yuno - Variety - Old Gift - Go to little bones for more freebies and Group Gifts.
BODY: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.5
OUTFIT, WINGS & HEADDRESS: Mix and match of different Bare Rose outfits you can find for FREE at Akaihane
EARRINGS: :: PM :: Gitana Earrings -On9 Edition- FREE Gift at On9
Enjoy the coffee ♥
- Look 713 - Yummy Yummy
{Roupas & Acessórios}
Sweater: American Bazar - Oversized Sweater @ Women Only Hunt (03 a 24 de Dezembro) - Tem que procurar um Floco de Neve - Free.
Pote na Cabeça e Colher: 7Style - Nutalla + Spoon @ Chapter Four Evento - Com o Grupo do Evento - Free.
Daydreamer: [Mello] - Daydreamer Text na Gacha @ Winter Solstice Evento.
Quadros: [Mello] - Winter Dream Board Peaceful + Meloncholy - Na Gacha @ Winter Solstice Evento.
Cortina e Tapetes: [Mello] - Winter Dream Curtains + Cloudy Rug Small e Large - Na Gacha @ Winter Solstice Evento.
Rena: Silentsparrow - Rudy Deer-ee Mesh Plush - Por 99 Lindens.
Carrinho com Renas: [RH] - No More Sledge - Na Árvore de Natal - Não precisa de Grupo @ The Arcade Gacha Evento - Free.
Casinha de Doce com Pose: June Trenkins - Gingerbread House - Free.
::Second Life::,
American Bazar,
The Chapter Four,
Winter Solstice,
Women Only Hunt,
In my messy Iventory - 473
Skin/Piel: Stix ~ Mila (B) Cream - WINTER SOLSTICE
Hair/Pelo: [^.^Ayashi^.^] Reina hair - WINTER SOLSTICE
Jewels/Joyas: Zibska Morana set - WINTER SOLSTICE
Tattoo: Charm Horse - Tattoo [CAROL G] exclusive - WINTER SOLSTICE
Gown/Vestido: ArisAris/B&W~Gara72-Winter Fantasy - WINTER SOLSTICE
Pose: {NANTRA} Charmed, I'm Sure - WINTER SOLSTICE
Friday, 16 December 2016
Love me
Hair @ (r)M Hair, No.46'16,
Top@ 1 Hundred. Warmth Outfit. - Designer Showcase Dec 2016
Tights @ [ZE] Jeweled Tights Maitreya Applier - Designer Showcase Dec 2016
Top@ 1 Hundred. Warmth Outfit. - Designer Showcase Dec 2016
Tights @ [ZE] Jeweled Tights Maitreya Applier - Designer Showcase Dec 2016

Safeword: Coffee
~♥~ Stylecard ~♥~
HEAD: [AK] Mesh Head Lola Vers. 1.5.1 (BENTO) from AKERUKA
SHAPE: [Coffee Break]‘s Matcha Latte Shape for [AK] BENTO - NEW! You can find it on my MARKETPLACE ♥
SKIN: [ MUDSKIN ]_Helena_Set1(Logo / OMEGA Applier) - designed for Logo Head but being OMEGA based, looks wonderful with Akeruka and Catwa alike - SALE! at MUDSKIN ♥
HAIR: little bones. Gem - Variety - Old Gift - Go to little bones for more freebies and Group Gifts
CHEST TATTOO: .:AS:. Lisa Tattoo - Group Gift at Aurika Store - Check the other Group Gifts and Lucky Boards! ♥
LEGS TATTOO: .:AS:. Mio Legs Tattoo - Group Gift at Aurika Store
BODY: Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V3.5
HARNESS: Venus Harness - Black - Available as separate items & fatpack - NEW! at Alien Gizmo's ♥
PROPS: *CS* Owned - Old Gift from *Come Soon Poses*
Enjoy the coffee ♥
Thursday, 15 December 2016
Shelby's Finds #115
Skin: 7 Deadly Skins - Enya for Catwa (Taupe) @ Winter Solstice
Hair: Truth - Irena @ Group VIP Gift
Jacket & Top: Blueberry - Minnie Winter Coat
Jeans: Blueberry - Sept. Luxe Box Gift
Boots: Jangka Design - Winterfell Boots (Wolf) @ Winter Solstice
Sunglasses: Meisu Eyewear - Liberosis Glasses @ Cosmopolitan
Pose: an Lar Poses - The Yala Series @ Winter Solstice
Wednesday, 14 December 2016
Entice - Forever More - FATPACK @ Winter Solstice in the Mystic Realms Faire
- 2 versions - with or without hood
- Maitreya, Slink (hourglass & physique), Belleza (Freya, Isis, & Venus)
- 200L each or the Fatpack of 6 with HUD that allows for many variations for 800L
MadPea Christmas Calendar For more information click here
Modulus - Winter Sled - Animated 5Li
NOMAD // Kitty Choir
NOMAD // Kitty Choir from MadPea Christmas Calendar
.random.Matter. - Light Our Way - Candle
Veechi - Metallic Winged LinerNEW @ Winter Trend
Veechi - Glitter Reef Nails
Dictatorshop Naughty Bondage Wreath v1.0 [C/M/NT]
IKON Charm Eyes - Paradise
Deco(c)rate for December 2016 - [ keke ] little winter tree
**JPK Steampunk Compass Clock Necklace (Gift)
Steampunk ring
TRUTH HAIR Ginger [Bangs]
=Zenith=Winter Lolita Long Boot with Socks (choco) -Maitreya
Scarlet Creative Mistletoe Lodge with Snow Roof 0.2 NEW
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