
Sunday, 12 September 2010

Wear grey event

En este sim han organizado el Wear grey event. En él, todas las tiendas que participan, donan los ingresos que se reciben de algunos de sus artículos en venta a una asociación contra el cáncer. Yo fui allí y compré alguna cosita, pero además en el sim podéis encontrar freebies y una caza donde los regalitos cuestan 20 lindens.
Aquí os dejo algunas fotos de lo que encontré allí.

In this sim there's the "Wear Grey" event. Here, all the stores are donating the incomes they are getting from the sales of some of their items to a Brain cancer Assotiation. I was there and bought some things, but in the sim you can find some freebies and dollarbies plus a hunt where all the gifts are 20 L$ and are donated too.

Here you can see some pics about what i found there.

Dragon'slady closet: 20 L$ (Wear grey hunt) pants and top

* RezIpsa Loc * @ : 20 L$ (Wear grey hunt) pants.

Sassy Kitty Designs: 20 L$ (Wear grey hunt) Outfit and sneakers (20 L$ more)

=^..^= Nikita Fride Design =^..^: 20 LS (Wear grey hunt) miniskirt and top

BELLISSIMA! 100 L$ Fatpack. Dress in blanck and diferent colours (black, blue, brown, purble, green and red)

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