En el historial del suscribe (número 1) de esta tienda hay un vestidito super sexy con la espalda descubierta :))
In the suscribe's history (number 1) of this shop there's a super sexy minidress with opened back side :))
Landmark: ::HUCCI::
Sunday, 31 October 2010
SL Fress & Offers group gift
Nosotros también nos sumamos a los regalos por Hallowen. Únete a nuestro grupo y busca en los avisos enviados por Estrellita Gagliano y encontrarás estos brazaletes. Esperamos que os gusten!
We want to send a gift for Hallowen too. Join our group of notices and look for a notice sent by Estrellita Gagliano and you will find this bracalets. We hope you like it!
We want to send a gift for Hallowen too. Join our group of notices and look for a notice sent by Estrellita Gagliano and you will find this bracalets. We hope you like it!
There's no fee to join us and here you have the link:
Halloweenescos Gifts en LeLutka! :D
¡Hola a Todos los seguidores de este nuevito y genial Blog!
Estoy algo nerviosa es mi primer entrada (/me muere de la emocion) casi a punto de sufrir un pequeño colapso nervioso, pero ¡antes debo decirles la gran noticia!
LeLutka se viste y nos viste de gala este Halloween
No nos dejara ir out en la moda esta temporada de miedo, creo que a las fiestas ire de Vampiro por este nuevo regalito, un clasico jamas pasa de moda, jajaja, ¿ustedes ya tienen su disfraz?, corran por que este estara disponible solo hasta hoy 30/10/2010 a las 10pm. SLT
Hi Boys and Girls followers of this new and amazing blog!, this is my first post (/me is dying of nerves) on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but before all of that i have a GRAT notice for you all:
LeLutka stylish us this Halloween
And Don't let us lose the style in this season of fear, I think my costume will be a vampire, for this amazing gift,"Classics never go out of style", hahaha^^, Are you ready for the dead night?? Well HURRY UP, Cause this offer is available until 30/10/2010, 10pm. SLT.

Skin/Piel: [LeLutka]-AVA_pale-Halloween 2010
Pulcera/Bracelet: Este es especial un GROUP GIFT de "SL frees and offers" Group Gift
A little but very special gift for all the little Frees and offers folowers Group Gift in World

Dress/Vestido: [LeLutka]-CLAUDIA gown
Hair/Cabello: [LeLutka]-CLAUDIA hair - BlueNight

Lo que mas me gusto *w* Los Zapatos: [LeLutka]-CLAUDIA gown
And in my opinion the best part of the gift *w* The Shoes
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Şık giyinmek o kadar da zor değil :) / Not difficult spruce up :)
Poised mağazasından harika iki hediye.. Onlara sahip olmak isteyeceksiniz. Bu hiç de zor değil :) mağazaya gidin ve tabloya tıklayın. Sadece grup tagınızı giymeyi unutmayın. (Kemer ve ayakkabılar dahil değil.)
Two great suscribe and group gift from Poised Mainstore.. You will want to have them.. Not difficult :) Teleport lm and click board. But, dont forget to wear store's group tag. (Not included belt and shoes)
Landmark: :::Poised::
BOOM - Free only today
En esta tienda nos dejan un top y una falda sculpt gratis durante el día de hoy. Se puede llevar con un body que está a la venta en la tienda por 125 L$.
This shop has an sculpted top and skirt free only today. You can wear it with a top that is for sell in the shop for 125 L$
This shop has an sculpted top and skirt free only today. You can wear it with a top that is for sell in the shop for 125 L$
Landmark: *BOOM*
Luce nos da como regalo de apertura un sweater marrón asimétrico (se necesita grupo). Además encima de la mesa podéis encontrar 3 regalos más sin necesidad de uniros al grupo.
Luce has as an opening gift an asimetric brown sweater (group needed). And on the table you can find 3 more gifts that doesn't need group tag.
Sweater: group gift from Luce
Pants: Ruffle pants black fro Luce too (no free)
Meidas / tights: Forest tights free from Luce.
Skin: Georgia - lucky board from :: I CE COCO ::
Pelo / Hair: Past group gift from ++AY.LinE++
Luce has as an opening gift an asimetric brown sweater (group needed). And on the table you can find 3 more gifts that doesn't need group tag.
Sweater: group gift from Luce
Pants: Ruffle pants black fro Luce too (no free)
Meidas / tights: Forest tights free from Luce.
Skin: Georgia - lucky board from :: I CE COCO ::
Pelo / Hair: Past group gift from ++AY.LinE++
School day
Hoy os traigo una mezcla de cosas que he ido cogiendo de mi inventario. Today a mix of things I've found in my inventory.
La Camiseta se encuentra gratis en SGB Rsort Mall. En este Mall han puesto un mercadillo y podéis encontrar muchos regalitos de diferentes diseñadores. The t-shirt is free in SGB Resort Mall. There's a market in this mall, and you can find lot of freebies from diferent dessigners.
Los pantalones son de Edge Grafica y vienen con un bolsito colgado de un cinturón muy mono. The pants are free in Edge Grafica. They come with a cute bag hanging from a belt.
Sneackers free de Maschienenwerk. Si no conocéis la tienda pasaros por allí porque tienen mil cosas gratis y hay mucha ropa que está bastante bien para chico. Sneackers are free from Maschienenwerk. If you don't know the shop, go and have a look because there are lot of free items with nice quality, and lot of them for guy!
Los calcetines fueron regalo de grupo en Mischef... hace mucho tiempo. Socks were group gift in Mischief long time ago.
Los calentadores en los brazos son free the Mezzo. Arm Warmers are free in Mezzo.
El pelo lo encontraréis en el suscribe de Truth hair en el número uno. Viene en colores divertidos. You can find the hair in Truth hair suscribe in number 1 of history. It comes in diferent funny colours.
Y el bolso es de Maknie, donde hay 4 lucky boards, 3 sólo para miembros del grupo. El grupo es gratuito. Además la tienda participa en dos cacerías. And the bag is from a lucky board in Maknie. There's 4 lucky boards in the store, 3 only for group members. Join the group is free. And this store has two gifts from a hunt too.
Camiseta / T-shirt: Free [S.Eddy] KUM@RBRICK T (Helloween) SGBs Resort Mall
Pantalones / Pants: free half pants from Edge Grafica
Sneackers: Free from ::Maschienenwerk::
Calentadores / Arm warmers: Mezzo
Socks / Calcetines: Mischief Fashion
Pelo / Hair: Suscribe gift from Truth Hair
Bolso / Bag: Lucky board from MAKNIE
La Camiseta se encuentra gratis en SGB Rsort Mall. En este Mall han puesto un mercadillo y podéis encontrar muchos regalitos de diferentes diseñadores. The t-shirt is free in SGB Resort Mall. There's a market in this mall, and you can find lot of freebies from diferent dessigners.
Los pantalones son de Edge Grafica y vienen con un bolsito colgado de un cinturón muy mono. The pants are free in Edge Grafica. They come with a cute bag hanging from a belt.
Sneackers free de Maschienenwerk. Si no conocéis la tienda pasaros por allí porque tienen mil cosas gratis y hay mucha ropa que está bastante bien para chico. Sneackers are free from Maschienenwerk. If you don't know the shop, go and have a look because there are lot of free items with nice quality, and lot of them for guy!
Los calcetines fueron regalo de grupo en Mischef... hace mucho tiempo. Socks were group gift in Mischief long time ago.
Los calentadores en los brazos son free the Mezzo. Arm Warmers are free in Mezzo.
El pelo lo encontraréis en el suscribe de Truth hair en el número uno. Viene en colores divertidos. You can find the hair in Truth hair suscribe in number 1 of history. It comes in diferent funny colours.
Y el bolso es de Maknie, donde hay 4 lucky boards, 3 sólo para miembros del grupo. El grupo es gratuito. Además la tienda participa en dos cacerías. And the bag is from a lucky board in Maknie. There's 4 lucky boards in the store, 3 only for group members. Join the group is free. And this store has two gifts from a hunt too.
Camiseta / T-shirt: Free [S.Eddy] KUM@RBRICK T (Helloween) SGBs Resort Mall
Pantalones / Pants: free half pants from Edge Grafica
Sneackers: Free from ::Maschienenwerk::
Calentadores / Arm warmers: Mezzo
Socks / Calcetines: Mischief Fashion
Pelo / Hair: Suscribe gift from Truth Hair
Bolso / Bag: Lucky board from MAKNIE
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Gizza - New group gift
Gizza tiene un nuevo regalo de grupo en su tienda. Si no lo tienes todavía... corre a por él!
Gizza has a new group gift in the store. So if you still don't have it... go to catch it!
Landmark: Gizza
Gizza has a new group gift in the store. So if you still don't have it... go to catch it!
Landmark: Gizza
Gömü değerinde bir mağaza diyorum ya bazen. İşte aynen öyle bir mağazadayız yine :) Kırmızı ceket dahil en alttaki kıyafetler sadece 5 L$. Ortadaki kıyafetlerse mağazanın bedava ürünleri. Bu ürünler mağazanın ikinci katında. Değişik değişik giyinin kuşanın. Eskisi gibi oyuna yeni girdim param yok hiç bir şey bilmiyorum ben derdine son verin :)
I say the store is worth of burial sometimes. Exactly like that we are in the same store again. Clothes that in the last picture are only 5 L$ including red jacket. Clothes in middle picture are the store's free items. These products are in the second floor of the store. Wear different :) Dont say i am new in the game or i havent money or i cant find anything chepaer :)
Landmark: +HONEY+eot Devil
Skin, Hair, Dress, Shoes, Tattoo All For Free!!!
Skin: Inka Skins ( Group Gift )
Hair: D!va ( Group Gift, Already Post )
Dresses: Plastik ( Lucky Wall Gifts )
Shoes: Tara ( Gift for 1 L$ )
Tattoo: SL Frees And Offers Gift ( Our Group Gift, Thanks Gulsemin )
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
Hasi's - The Great Pumpkin Hunt
Esta tienda participa en el Great Pumpkin hunt con un outfit con versión pantalón o mini. Sólo hay 150 copias del regalito, así que, daros prisa.
This shop is one of the merchants of The Great Pumpkin hunt and the gift is an outfit with 2 version, pants or miniskirt. There's only 150 copies of the gift so... hurry up!
Landmark: Hasi's
This shop is one of the merchants of The Great Pumpkin hunt and the gift is an outfit with 2 version, pants or miniskirt. There's only 150 copies of the gift so... hurry up!
Landmark: Hasi's
E! Eclectic - Dollarbies
En esta tienda dos dollarbies. Uno para chica con un vestido de punto en marrón, y otro para chico con un sweater de punto del mismo color.
In this shop two dollarbies. One for girl with a wool brown minidress and another for boy with a wool sweater in the same color.
Landmark: E! Eclectic
In this shop two dollarbies. One for girl with a wool brown minidress and another for boy with a wool sweater in the same color.
Landmark: E! Eclectic
Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Two Polo shirts 175L$ each in asorted colours.
Gradation style and Argyle style.
and some perfect group gift selections
Son!a Luxury Fashion
Bu güzel elbise Son!a Abiye Modacılığın hediyesi ayrıca elbisenin iki eteği ve omzu kapatan yayı da var ve şuan sizleri bekliyor.
That nice dress, which has a bow and two skirts, is the gift by Son!a Luxury Fashion and now it is waiting for you.
Landmark:Son!a Luxury Fashion
A gift for you in Marketplace..
Elbise olarak da kazak olarak da kullanabileceğiniz bir hediye..
You can use this gift as a dress or a sweater..
Marletplace Link: free neko winter skirt outfit with hoodie
Gizza - Hallowen gifts
Pues seguimos con regalos de Hallowen. En gizza con el tag del grupo activado tenemos una camiseta para chico y para chica.
Here we go with more Hallowen gifts. Wearing group tag, in Gizza we have a t-shirt for guy and another for girl.
Otras cosas que podéis encontrar en la tienda... esta camisa tan mona para las que nos gusta ir arreglás pero informal jaja.
Another things you can find in the store... this nice shirt for the girls who likes to dress ellegant but casual at the same time, lol.
Y este es uno de los conjuntos nuevos de Gizza.
And this is one of the new outfits from Gizza.
Here we go with more Hallowen gifts. Wearing group tag, in Gizza we have a t-shirt for guy and another for girl.
Otras cosas que podéis encontrar en la tienda... esta camisa tan mona para las que nos gusta ir arreglás pero informal jaja.
Another things you can find in the store... this nice shirt for the girls who likes to dress ellegant but casual at the same time, lol.
Camisa/shirt: **GizzA** StripSports BrownCream
Y este es uno de los conjuntos nuevos de Gizza.
And this is one of the new outfits from Gizza.
**GizzA** Jockey Brown/ Connor shirt
In this pic:
Complete outfit from Gizza Creations (Jockey Brown): Includes, bra, t´shirt, pant, bracalet, lip piercing and boots. Price is 500 L$ but ALL INCLUDED.
T-shirt from Connors: Suscribe gift (number 3 of hitory)
Monday, 25 October 2010
Düğüne mi davetlisiniz? Ne giyicem, hangi saçı takıcam, ayakkabılarım nerde, bu skin bu saça uymadı düşüncelerini br kenara koyun. Buyrun!.. Size tam bir özel gün avatarı :) Her şey hazır ve sadece 1L$. İyi eğlenmeler :)
Do you want to go friends wedding party? Don't think about what you will wear or where are your shoes? How is your skin for that day or your hair??? Let's see a full avatar for a special day. Everything is ready. Just think about enjoy :)
Marketplace Link: Dryad Designs
Bluz mağazanın grup hediyesi. Saç ise D!va'nın şans harfleri hediyelerinden sadece biri.
Blouse is store's group gift. Hair is one of D!va's lucky letter gifts.
Blouse landmark: MNK*SHOP
Hair landmark: ""D!va"" Main Store
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Pixedolls - Group gift
Nuevo regalo de grupo en esta tienda. Un vestido medieval en tonos ideales para el otoño.
New group gift in this shop. A medieval dress with autum tones.
Landmark: PixelDolls
New group gift in this shop. A medieval dress with autum tones.
Landmark: PixelDolls
Purplemoon - 4000 members Group Gift
Como se han alcanzado los 4000 miembros en el grupo, esta tienda nos hace otro regalo este mes. Un bonito traje de noche en rojo y dorado con un bolso de mano a juego. Entrar al grupo cuesta 50 L$.
As the group has now 4000 members, this shop is bringing us another gift this month. A really nice formal dress in red and gold with a purse. The group fee is 50 L$.
Landmark: :: PM :: PurpleMoon Creations
As the group has now 4000 members, this shop is bringing us another gift this month. A really nice formal dress in red and gold with a purse. The group fee is 50 L$.
Landmark: :: PM :: PurpleMoon Creations
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Super capri and top..
Second life dünyasında mağazası olmayan bu üretici tüm ürünlerini 1L$ e marketplace ta satışa sunuyor. Gayet şık ürünlerle göz kamaştırın..
Items of this creators who have not a store in sl-world are 1L$ in Marketplace. Be wonderful with stylish items :)
Marketplace Links : Capri Shorts
Red Top
All items
A marketplace gift..
Sonia'dan Marketplace kullanıcılarına harika bir hediye.. Gayet şık bir gece kıyafetiyle düğün veya parti davetlerinin gözdesi olmaya hazır olun..
A great gift to Marketplace users from Sonia.. Be ready to be the favorite in weddings and party invitations with a very elegant night costume..
Marketplace Link : Son!a
Hoy os traigo una mezcla de cosas baratas que encontré en SL, que no por ser baratas son de mala calidad.
Today i'm wearing a mix of cheap things i've found in SL, and even are cheap all are nice quality things.
Sweater: PARADISIS Hot Winter : COPY Black 50 L$ PARADISIS
Pants: Cuadros rojo outfit from past Monday mania. 40 L$. Normal price: 85 LS **MDL** FASHION WOMAN
Tattoo: Special gift from Suvi Breil not on sale ( **MDL** Fashion woman)
Boots: *COCO* group gift
Friday, 22 October 2010
[M2M] & Monday Mania
Este Jersey tan chulo está por 100L$ con dos versiones para el cuello
El lunes en el Monday Manía tenéis el de color blanco por solo 35L$!!!
Taxi: [M2M] Tricot Sweater
El lunes en el Monday Manía tenéis el de color blanco por solo 35L$!!!
Taxi: [M2M] Tricot Sweater
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Purplemoon - Group Gift
Esta tienda tiene este vestido como regalo de grupo. Entrar al grupo cuesta 50 L$, pero la ropa es super elegante.
This is the group gift from this store. Join the group has a fee of 50 L$, but the clothes are super elegant.
This is the group gift from this store. Join the group has a fee of 50 L$, but the clothes are super elegant.
Me encanta este vestido... creo que lo vi y me enamoré de él... jajaja. En esta foto se pueden apreciar las transparencias que le dan una aire vaporoso. Awwww!
I like this dress soooo much... I think i saw it and i feel in love with him... hahaha. In this pic you can see the thansparent textures that brings to this outfit a light view.
Landmark: :: PM :: PurpleMoon Creations
2 ortaçağ kıyafeti ve bir kapri bluz takım heidyesi sizin için.. Saçlar da başka bir mağazanın grup hediyesi.
2 medieval gowns and capri-blouse are gitfs for you.. Hairs are another store's group gifts too.
Landmark for hairs : **Dura**
Landmark for gowns and outfit : Madison's Creations
Dress & Hair & Shoes: All For Free!!!
Elbise ve ayakkabılar mağazaların abonelik hediyeleri, saç da mağaza hediyesi ve 30 dan fazla rengi var.
Dress and shoes are subscribe gifts by stores, hair is a gift from a store too and has over of 30 colours.
Dress: Mischief Fashion
Hair : Raspberry Aristocrat
Shoes: Shiny Things
Group gifts!..
Saçlar ve bluz grup hediyesi. Bir de tişört var unisex.
Hairs and blouse are group gifts. And there is a t-shirt (unisex).
Landmark : .:Titzuki:. @ Polimo
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
**MDL** Scary Group Offer
**MDL** tiene una oferta terrorífica para los miembros del grupo. Esta piel zombie con la que podemos asustar a cualquiera que se nos encuentre de noche... o de día jajaja, y sólo cuesta 10 L$.
**MDL** has an scary offer for the group members. This zombie skin. We can scare anybody who will find us at night... or during the day, lol, wearing it, and it's only 10 L$.
**MDL** has an scary offer for the group members. This zombie skin. We can scare anybody who will find us at night... or during the day, lol, wearing it, and it's only 10 L$.
Mağazanın cadılar günü hediyesi hem bayanlar hem de erkekler için :) Mağazada erkekler ve bayanlar için gayet hoş kıyafetlerden bir çok MM ve lucky wall mevcut. Mutlaka hediyelerine göz gezdirmelisiniz. Fakat aklınızda bulunsun her hediye, MM ve lucky wall için grup tagı isteniyor.
Halloween gift for men and women in the store :) The store has a lot of MM and lucky wall of nice clothes for men and women. You should look its gifts. But you must know, gifts, MMs and lucky wals want group tag.
Beyler! Size çok şık bir takım yine aynı mağazanın Marketplace hediyesi. Takımın dünyadaki fiyatı 299L$ ve nette bedava.
Gentlemen! A very stylish outfit four you is the store's Marketplace gitf. Price of outfit is 299L$ in world and is free in Marketplace.
Landmark : > Urban Republic Co. <
Marketplace Link : Outfit for Men
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