
Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Gizza - Hallowen gifts

Pues seguimos con regalos de Hallowen. En gizza con el tag del grupo activado tenemos una camiseta para chico y para chica.

Here we go with more Hallowen gifts. Wearing group tag, in Gizza we have a t-shirt for guy and another for girl.

Otras cosas que podéis encontrar en la tienda... esta camisa tan mona para las que nos gusta ir arreglás pero informal jaja.

Another things you can find in the store... this nice shirt for the girls who likes to dress ellegant but casual at the same time, lol.

Camisa/shirt: **GizzA** StripSports BrownCream

Y este es uno de los conjuntos nuevos de Gizza.

And this is one of the new outfits from Gizza.

**GizzA** Jockey Brown/ Connor shirt

In this pic:

Complete outfit from Gizza Creations  (Jockey Brown):  Includes, bra, t´shirt, pant, bracalet, lip piercing and boots. Price is 500 L$ but ALL INCLUDED.

T-shirt from Connors: Suscribe gift (number 3 of hitory)
Pants from >>>Poison<<<

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