I found this store and I'm happy I did. Here you can find lot of cute and funny outfits as well as skins, lips tattoos and of course... the funny Candy Keys, between another things. Let me show to you some of all these things. Even aren't freebies, prices are very cheap (50 L$ an outfit for instance... )
Encontré hace poco esta tienda y me alegro de haberlo hecho. Aquí podéis encontrar outfits super monos y muy divertidos, así como pieles, tattos para labios y por supuesto.... las divertidas Candy Keys, entre otras cosas. Déjarme que os muestre algunas de ellas. Aunque no son freebies los precios son muy baratos (50 L$ un outfit por ejemplo)
Skin/ Piel: Dollarbie from Evol
Outfit: EVOL Broken Heart - New release
Wearing to Evol Candy Key black (no free)
Skin/ Piel: EVOL Lala Skin 2 (New Release)
Outfit: EVOL Munky (New Release)
Bunny ears/Orejitas de conejo: EVOL Color Change Bunneh Ears (No free)
Lips tattoo from EVOL too (no free)
Boots/Botas: *GF* Short Lace-Up Boots -Black-
Skin/ Piel: EVOL Lala Skin 1 (New Release)
Outfit: EVOL Sad Panda (New Release)
Piercings: EVOL Cross My Heart Chest Piercing
EVOL In Your Arms Piercing
Hair: BB - Goggle Hair - Lucky board from Bubblez
Sneackers/Deportivas: .::Puuiki Shoes::. Old England from Freedo.Om
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