* Marcus full Bento avatar by Altamura. This avatar comes with HUD and works with Omega. You will need the Omega System Kit for Altamura (99 L$ at the Omega store).
I am using the skins that are in the HUD from this avatar.
* Dark brown Vermeer eyes by No Shirt Sherlock are 99 L$ on Marketplace per eye tone.
* Marcus as the bad boy...is wearing a complete male set with black jeans, shoes, leather jacket and tee shirt by Josse Munro Ultra Low Prim Prefabs which you can find on Marketplace for just 1 L$.
* Gutchi has several gifts for males, I will blog them all, but today just the sexy necklace. The group is free to join.
The necklace comes with a colour change HUD which gives you the option to style it in your own way.
* Volkstone has some awesome group gifts too and their group; is also free to join.
You can find a lot of facial hair appliers there, Marcus is wearing the Odin facial hair gift.
* The No_breeze hair is the latest group gift by No.Match. The group is 50 L$ to join, but you get many gifts (for males) and also hair base appliers.
So very much worth to join!
The bandana is color/texture change.