* This HelloQueen gown fits ONLY Maitreya and you can find it on Marketplace for just 1 L$. It is on offer by WIP (Work in Progress).
* The No_Scary hair is by No.Match and you can find it on Marketplace for 5 L$ including a colour change HUD for a cute hat which is also included.
If you are a group member (50 L$ enrollment fee) this hair is one of the many many male & female group gifts at the No.Match store.
* The Spider Rain necklace is by Indulge Temptation.
There are several variations available, each coms with a hUD which gives you 10 metal options and 8 gem options.
* The elegant shoes are by Vowtte and they fit Maitreya and Belleza. You get a black version and a purple one for 1 L$.
* The Lamu Fashion Halloween make up is 1 L$ on Marketplace.
It comes as Catwa and Omega appliers and layers for classic avatars.
* 7 Deadly s[K]ins has these awesome Dandelion appliers in dark & light tones.
A shape is available too.
* The elegant Ravishing Red nails are by Cazimi. They work for Maitreya, Belleza and Slink.
Mor details and pictures on my personal blog GO DUTCH !