Dear reader.
*FlowerDreams creation is ready a weekend offer with 2 lingerie "Daisy".
available 2 color Black / pink.
Coming cloth applier for Maitreya / Belleza / Slink, and cloth layer for standard avater.
Until Sunday midnight.
Lingerie : .:FlowerDreams:.Daisy - pink @ Weekend offer
Lingerie : .:FlowerDreams:.Daisy - black @ Weekend offer
Hair : *Besom~ Glam Kitten *Browns*
Body : Maitreya Lara
I hoe you visit to main store and pick up for your sexy weekend <3
Enjoy <3
Sunday, 28 May 2017
In my messy Inventory - 489
We still have one more week to visit eBento event. Today i'm showing you the Akeruka mesh head you will find in the event and the appliers for this head made by 7 deadly skins. Another event near to finish may round in ON9. I'm showing you the cute top from ArisAris for this round, the hair from Tukinowaguma and earrings from Zibska. And the event that just started on 21th is Lost and Found. Carol G released a really nice tattoo for that.
I've created a look mixing all those nice exclusives with some really nice gifts. Hope you like it!!
Mesh head/ Cabeza mesh: [AK] Lara Bento Head NEW GEN Vers. 2.6 - eBENTO
Skin/Piel: 7 Deadly s[K]ins - NAOMI - eBENTO
Eyeshadow/Sombra de ojos: ::SG:: CuteLiner - eBENTO
Manicure/Manicura: ::SG:: CuteBow* Mesh Nails VISTA-MAITREYA-TUTY-SLINK BENTO - Lost & Found
Hair/Pelo: *TKW* Vico - ON9
Rings/Anillos: Absolut Vendetta -Juno Bento Rings - eBENTO
Earrings/Pendientes: Zibska ~ Cassidy - ON9
Necklace/collar: - Safira - Dolce Necklace - GROUP GIFT
Tattoo: Indian - Tattoo [CAROL G] Exclusive Lost & Found
Top: ***ArisArisB&W~Alus02~Southern Top~HUD Texture Change - ON9
Jeans: Part of [hh] Cathy Coat & Jeans - GROUP GIFT
Shoes/Zapatos: ::HH:: Hucci Highgate Sandal - SUSCRIBE GIFT
Pose 1: :LW: Poses - Falling into place - female pose - Tres Chic
Pose 2: :LW: Poses - Something to remind you - female pose - The Liaison Collaborative
Building/Edificio: KITE - Lumos Guest-House - Small Size - Lost & Found
E-mesh: Drum Stools - GIFT in Release for Life Home & Garden
DJ SF Industrial Bar Table - Rustic
[sf] lazy armchair - white
[sf] decor ottoman - white
.:Bee Designs:. Charlotte rugs
Bliensen + MaiTai - Nostalgia - Vases Set - with flowers - Lost & Found
DJ Mesh Industrial Side End Table
Close up from Shoes:
Saturday, 27 May 2017
::Modish:: featuring Just Magnetized
Dear reader.
Powder Pack time!
Catwa May Edition was released on 17th.
if you missed it, you can order in-world or marketplace. Detail is Powder pack online.
and already opening Lelutka June Edition pre-order.
::Modish:: released new skin "Vega" for Powder Pack May.
Coming 5 skin tone with 4 brow options and 10 lipsticks, body applier coming with Omega system.
3 shape (For Catya, Lona , Kimberly/Lona Heads), Eyevbrow Shaper, system skin.
and styled together makeup also Powder Pack May Edition featured Just Magnetized "Vanity Case".
Skin : ::Modish:: Vega [PowderPack Catwa) May @ Powder Pack May Edition
makeup (Lipstick, moles,eyebrow) : Just Magnetized - Vanity Case - set 01 for Catwa @ Powder Pack May Edition
Head : Catwa Catya
hair : Eaters Coma - HAIR 69 / FAT PACK
Body : Maitreya Lara
Enjoy your Secondlife.
Powder Pack time!
Catwa May Edition was released on 17th.
if you missed it, you can order in-world or marketplace. Detail is Powder pack online.
and already opening Lelutka June Edition pre-order.
::Modish:: released new skin "Vega" for Powder Pack May.
Coming 5 skin tone with 4 brow options and 10 lipsticks, body applier coming with Omega system.
3 shape (For Catya, Lona , Kimberly/Lona Heads), Eyevbrow Shaper, system skin.
and styled together makeup also Powder Pack May Edition featured Just Magnetized "Vanity Case".
Skin : ::Modish:: Vega [PowderPack Catwa) May @ Powder Pack May Edition
makeup (Lipstick, moles,eyebrow) : Just Magnetized - Vanity Case - set 01 for Catwa @ Powder Pack May Edition
Head : Catwa Catya
hair : Eaters Coma - HAIR 69 / FAT PACK
Body : Maitreya Lara
Enjoy your Secondlife.
Wednesday, 24 May 2017

United Colors New @ Tres Chic event
UC_Alison_dress_all in 1_Maitreya_Slink_Belleza
Veechi - Luster Liner - New @ N21
Veechi - Double Agent Matte Nails
Just Magnetized - Aster Lipstick for CATWA - (wearing lipgloss)
Lush - LushInk_HipsterTattoo
Dictatorshop [Ds] Contempo Adult Chair [C/M/NT] v1.0 PKG - NEW @ ROMP
Kibitz - Kitten Collar - Bishbox May Exclusive - Madpea Production
Hair - *TKW* Appel
Tuesday, 23 May 2017
[PUMEC] featuring Izzie's
Dear reader.
[PUMEC] new skin "ROSALYN" at TRES CHIC 2nd anniversary.
Coming 4 skin tone (January / May / March / September)
Including shape, system skin, Eyebrow.
Make up and eye applier coming by Izzie's in Powder Pack May Lelutka.
Skin : .:[PUMEC] :. - .:ROSALYN FOR LELUTKA (SIMONE BENTO) @ TRES CHIC 2nd anniversary
Head : LeLutka Bento Head-SIMONE 2.7
Makeup (EyeLiner, Lipstick, Eye applier) : Izzie's - Powder Pack May
Powder pack in-world order / Powder pack Marketplace order / Powder Pack online
Hair : TRUTH HAIR Lisette - light browns
Tried on Chloe head too... but this skin is good on Simone than Chloe :)
Enjoy Lelutka life! (if you have)
Thanks for coming to my blog.
[PUMEC] new skin "ROSALYN" at TRES CHIC 2nd anniversary.
Coming 4 skin tone (January / May / March / September)
Including shape, system skin, Eyebrow.
Make up and eye applier coming by Izzie's in Powder Pack May Lelutka.
Skin : .:[PUMEC] :. - .:ROSALYN FOR LELUTKA (SIMONE BENTO) @ TRES CHIC 2nd anniversary
Head : LeLutka Bento Head-SIMONE 2.7
Makeup (EyeLiner, Lipstick, Eye applier) : Izzie's - Powder Pack May
Powder pack in-world order / Powder pack Marketplace order / Powder Pack online
Hair : TRUTH HAIR Lisette - light browns
Tried on Chloe head too... but this skin is good on Simone than Chloe :)
Enjoy Lelutka life! (if you have)
Thanks for coming to my blog.
Monday, 22 May 2017
- Look 811 - Lolita ♥
Hair Dark Moon + Kitty Band Mello com Hud Black Magic @ {The Secret Hideout}.
Olhos Dragon Cureless com Hud de 8 cores.
{Roupas & Acessórios}
Vestido Lolicon Chiffon NS com 7 cores @ {Limit 8 Evento}💜
Bolsa Pastel Goth Coffin Luas na Gacha - Por 50 Lindens.
Local da Foto Whole Wheat .
::Second Life::,
Dark Moon,
Dress Chiffon,
Secret Hideout
Sunday, 21 May 2017
In my messy Inventory - 488
This month we have a new event that jut started. Is called eBENTO and as you can imagine due his name, you will find here a lot of bento ítems or appliers for bento ítems. If you still haven't been there, go and have a look because you will find a lot of nice stuff from well known brands in SL.
These are the brands in this round:

This is a montly event and runs from 15th to 7th.
Today I created my look mixing ítems from two events: eBENTO and The Darkness monthly event.
Hope you like it:)
Hair/Pelo: {Letituier} Samba Hair - The Darkness Monthly Event
Earrings/Pendientes: Amacci Jewelry - Saraja - Ear Hoops - GROUP GIFT for Cosmopolitan
Bracelet and ring/Pulsera y anillo:Part of Moondance Jewels Tahlia Jewelry Set - The Darkness Monthly Event
Upper tattoo/Tattoo superior: Vestigium - Aegle - Appliers - The Darkness Monthly Event
Lower tattoo/Tatto inferior: Vestigium - Fractal - Appliers - The Darkness Monthly Event
Bodysuit: GizzA - "Carla" Bodysuit - The Darkness Monthly Event
Boots/Botas: ArisAris/B&W - Gara77- Fighter Boot-
Poses: *PosESioN* Bento Ocean Set - eBENTO
These are the brands in this round:

This is a montly event and runs from 15th to 7th.
Today I created my look mixing ítems from two events: eBENTO and The Darkness monthly event.
Hope you like it:)
Mesh head: Altamura: "MONIQUE" Bento head - eBENTO
Skin/Piel: Altamura: 5- "MONIQUE" head and body skin applier
Nails/Manicura: ::SG:: Diana* Mesh Nails for MAITREYA & TUTY HANDS - eBENTOHair/Pelo: {Letituier} Samba Hair - The Darkness Monthly Event
Earrings/Pendientes: Amacci Jewelry - Saraja - Ear Hoops - GROUP GIFT for Cosmopolitan
Bracelet and ring/Pulsera y anillo:Part of Moondance Jewels Tahlia Jewelry Set - The Darkness Monthly Event
Upper tattoo/Tattoo superior: Vestigium - Aegle - Appliers - The Darkness Monthly Event
Lower tattoo/Tatto inferior: Vestigium - Fractal - Appliers - The Darkness Monthly Event
Bodysuit: GizzA - "Carla" Bodysuit - The Darkness Monthly Event
Boots/Botas: ArisAris/B&W - Gara77- Fighter Boot-
Poses: *PosESioN* Bento Ocean Set - eBENTO
Friday, 19 May 2017
When the winds blows, know that, I am near
This is my second time purchasing Catwa Powder Pack, one was in January and I disappeared like till recently, and now I'm showing the May Edition.
Since I am a lazy one who normally did not put any makeup unless it is necessary, I go with my bare face in most of my blog post. Reason is that I am too lazy to find the store to buy one, and secondly there is no demo. If I were required to do a makeup ie paint my face, i will have to look for specific make up that goes with my mood and match with my face structure, and too with the angle of photo, and whatever shit that might came to me at that being lazy, normally i do not have make up on the photo unless i am doing a closeup.
But with the Powder Pack, with everything in there, it is easy, i just stand and choose till it fits what I want. I think it is very value for the item that we get it from it, so hopefully, they dint increase the price but increase the creation for the box.. that my Christmas's wishes.. :p
I am kinda disappointed when I dint find any skin applier from DeeTaleZ, but hopefully, i get one someday in the future :D And this is what I love most at this moment, as i said, my mood changes from time to time, I love the eye-shadow from Zibska, it makes me looks so in color, and lipstick from Just Magnetized is the perfect effect and something that we dint normally able to purchase in the normal market.
So I think you all know that you can still purchase it at here but at a different price @ The Last Forever
Hair @ AD - tootsie
Hair Deco @ *LODE* Head Accessory - Mexico Roses
Skin @ ::Modish:: Vega F03 [PowderPack Catwa) May
Eyelashes @ DeeTaleZ *Appliers* CATWA Heads "Dramatic Eyes & Lashes
Eyeshadow&Blushes @ Zibska Hasina Eyemakeup &Zibska Sarika Blush
Lip@ Just Magnetized - Vanity Case - set 01 for Catwa
Necklaces@ J&W Jewelers Emma Collection gold (Designer Showcase - May 2017)

Powder Pack Catwa May
Dear reader.
Powder Pack Catwa May Edition was released on 17th.
Please Take a look Powder Pack online for May Edition preview! --> What's inside?
Powder Pack order in-world / Powder Pack order Marketplace / Powder Pack online
Powder Pack Flicker group
Pink Fuels lipstick coming 2 type red / pink. it is Very Very sexy lipstick.
Very Red and Very pink.. I really love it.
Skin : amara beauty - Powder Pack CATWA MAY 2017 - Katie @ Power Pack May Catwa
*Coming 12 skin tone / body applier by Omega system for Maitreya / Belleza / Slink , Vista hand
Lipstick : [PF] CATWA LIPSTICK - Essential (Pinks) / (Reds) @ Power Pack May Catwa
Head : Catwa Catya
Body : Maitreya lara
Hair : TRUTH HAIR London - browns
Enjoy your Powder Pack life!
Powder Pack Catwa May Edition was released on 17th.
Please Take a look Powder Pack online for May Edition preview! --> What's inside?
Powder Pack order in-world / Powder Pack order Marketplace / Powder Pack online
Powder Pack Flicker group
Pink Fuels lipstick coming 2 type red / pink. it is Very Very sexy lipstick.
Very Red and Very pink.. I really love it.
Skin : amara beauty - Powder Pack CATWA MAY 2017 - Katie @ Power Pack May Catwa
*Coming 12 skin tone / body applier by Omega system for Maitreya / Belleza / Slink , Vista hand
Lipstick : [PF] CATWA LIPSTICK - Essential (Pinks) / (Reds) @ Power Pack May Catwa
Head : Catwa Catya
Body : Maitreya lara
Hair : TRUTH HAIR London - browns
Enjoy your Powder Pack life!
Thursday, 18 May 2017
- Look 809 - Your Kitty
Hair Nadja Escalated com a Hud Astral. Comprando com o Grupo ativado (150 L$ to join group), você ganha 5% de desconto.
Olhos Sanctis Mesange com Hud de tamanho @ {On9 Evento}, até o final do mês.
{Roupas & Acessórios}
Babygirl Dress Candy Kitten *CK* com Hud de 12 texturas e cores.
Your Kitty Heels & Socks Candy Kitten *CK* com Hud de 12 cores, você consegue mudar as cores de tudo! Bem Cute! 💙
Tiara Diadem (Blue) e Flores no rosto (Blue) Yokai na Gacha @ {On9 Evento}.
::Second Life::,
Bride Moon,
Candy Kitten *CK*,
Dress Corset,
Escalated Hair,
Mesange Eyes,
Socks and Heels,
You can still purchase it for 3000L - Here
Amazing skins and makeup kits in this box. I have set up a short video that will go straight to display what the creator made and how the shades look. I was able to cut it down a bit under 10 minutes which is awesome.
The list of designer this month are the following:
amara beauty
Atelier Pepe
Glam Affair
Just Magnetized
Pink Fuel
In the above close up photo, I am wearing the skin by Essences Dawn #Medium 01 (Catwa Applier). Body applier by Essences Maitreya Lara Body Appliers, which is also included along with Omega, TMP and Belleza body appliers.
My eyes and lashes are by DeeTaleZ(DeeTaleZ *Appliers* CATWA Heads "Dramatic Eyes & Lashes" (unpac). It was hard to pick a style on the lashes because I love them all. This pretty lipstick is by Izzie's - Catwa - Applier Glittery Lipsticks (Powder Pack) and the gorgeous glitter eye shadow by Izzie's - Catwa - Applier Under Eye Glitter (Powder Pack).
In the video you can see my outfit.
I am wearing
Tattoo by LUSH - Sea - available at Lost & Found on May 22nd
Shorts and Blouse by Erratic available at 88
erratic / carrie - denim shorts / white
erratic / aida - top / red
LUXE - choker in gold
Hair was a gift from a good friend - #Foxy - Grind Hair
Sunday, 14 May 2017
14052017 - It will be never the SAME
Sometimes, when you went back to your hometown, it is no longer the same when you left 20 years ago. People change, Friend change, Environment change, Road change, and the people will just walked passed you and think who are you?.
What is left here is my memory of this area. Life must go on, and I will leave for a better tomorrow.
Styling Credit
Hair@TRUTH HAIR Grecia - black & whites
Sunglasses@[Gos] - Butterfly Sunglasses
Dress @DE.Boutique Mona Dress Spring - Designer Showcase May 2017
Shoes Momento. walker boots gacha / Khaki
Pose@ ~Zo Awesum~ Coke and a Smile - Designer Showcase May 2017

Saturday, 13 May 2017
In my messy Inventory - 487
Back blogging.... Today when i was in photoshop I realized how much I've missed to do it.
So I'm showing you a look I did last weekend after visiting an event called The Gacha Garden, that was celebrating their anniversary.
Hope you like it!
Skin/Piel: .::WoW Skins::. Marea bento catwa appl - GROUP GIFT
Eyeshadows/Sombra de ojos: *Birth* 3rd Gen Catwa Eye Makeup - Flowers - Set 1 - GROUP GIFT for The Gacha Garden
Hair/Pelo: enVOGUE - HAIR Arianna - Dark Browns - NEW!!
headband/Diadema: .::Supernatural::. Agatha Gold - GROUP GIFT for The Gacha Garden
Earrings/Pendientes: HUDSON's - Chocolate Easter Jewel Set - GROUP GIFT
Ring/Anillo: ::ALTER:: Vivians - Gem rings [Fit Bento hands] - NEW!!
Bracelet/Pulseras: Day Dreamer - Opal Bracelet - GROUP GIFT for The Gacha Garden
Dress/Vestido: ArisArisB&W~Alus03.1~Lyrique Dress~HUD Textures change - NEW!!
Shoes/Zapatos: Belice Gift :: Woman Shoes :: Two Colors :: {kokoia} - GROUP GIFT
Pic 1: :LW: Poses - I have this Hope - female pose - The Liason Collaborative
Pic 2: GP Natural Girl 9
Decoration /Decoración:
Candy Crunchers - Swing Gazebo
{YD}Cute Kawaii Cats - Flop
Hullahop Roses Blue - GROUP GIFT for The Gacha Garden
22769 - Bowl of Candies - GROUP GIFT for The Gacha Garden
So I'm showing you a look I did last weekend after visiting an event called The Gacha Garden, that was celebrating their anniversary.
Hope you like it!
Skin/Piel: .::WoW Skins::. Marea bento catwa appl - GROUP GIFT
Eyeshadows/Sombra de ojos: *Birth* 3rd Gen Catwa Eye Makeup - Flowers - Set 1 - GROUP GIFT for The Gacha Garden
Hair/Pelo: enVOGUE - HAIR Arianna - Dark Browns - NEW!!
headband/Diadema: .::Supernatural::. Agatha Gold - GROUP GIFT for The Gacha Garden
Earrings/Pendientes: HUDSON's - Chocolate Easter Jewel Set - GROUP GIFT
Ring/Anillo: ::ALTER:: Vivians - Gem rings [Fit Bento hands] - NEW!!
Bracelet/Pulseras: Day Dreamer - Opal Bracelet - GROUP GIFT for The Gacha Garden
Dress/Vestido: ArisArisB&W~Alus03.1~Lyrique Dress~HUD Textures change - NEW!!
Shoes/Zapatos: Belice Gift :: Woman Shoes :: Two Colors :: {kokoia} - GROUP GIFT
Pic 1: :LW: Poses - I have this Hope - female pose - The Liason Collaborative
Pic 2: GP Natural Girl 9
Decoration /Decoración:
Candy Crunchers - Swing Gazebo
{YD}Cute Kawaii Cats - Flop
Hullahop Roses Blue - GROUP GIFT for The Gacha Garden
22769 - Bowl of Candies - GROUP GIFT for The Gacha Garden
Friday, 12 May 2017

United Colors New @ Cosmopolitan event
UC_Viper_dress_all in 1_Maitreya_Slink_Belleza
Dress does come with sides but you have the option to remove as shown in the above photo.
Powder Pack April Catwa
*YS&YS* Kitty Tone02 Skin Applier - Catwa Mesh Head
*YS&YS* Tone 02 - Omega Basic Body Applier Omni V 2.0
Veechi Attraction Shadow - available for Catwa & Lelutka New@ Rewind
Just Magnetized - Tulip Lipstick NEW
available for Omega and Catwa
Just Magnetized - Basic Hairbase - set 18 for CATWA
Glamistry - ZINNIA Heels [PF1029]
Fancy Decor - NEW Fifty Linden Friday
Books & Bookends - Showing in the photo (white & gold) also available in black, white, black and gold.
Fancy Decor - Crawford Cabinet (white) New @ 88
Lush Poses - Always on my mind - original pose w/mirror pose available at L&F on 21st of May
Hair by [monso] My Hair - Jane New @ 88
Dear reader.
Picture1 was taken at The last forever.
SaNaRae 20 round is running to the 18th May
I would love to share with you Me Sew Sexy Jaylen released new outfit "Bella Bodusuit Set"
please try Demo before you purchase.
Styled together heal by Glamistry. Gorgeous and sexy feminine heal most of them with NICE PRICE!. You can find male shoes also in Glamistry
Compatible for Maitreya/ Belleza/ Slink high.
outfit : *MSS* Bella Bodusuit Robin Egg (picture1)
outfit : *MSS* Bella Bodusuit black (picture2)
Heal : Glamistry - AMARYLLIS Heels
Hair : TRUTH HAIR Verinne - browns
Hope you like it!
Enjoy your Secondlife!
Picture1 was taken at The last forever.
SaNaRae 20 round is running to the 18th May
I would love to share with you Me Sew Sexy Jaylen released new outfit "Bella Bodusuit Set"
please try Demo before you purchase.
Styled together heal by Glamistry. Gorgeous and sexy feminine heal most of them with NICE PRICE!. You can find male shoes also in Glamistry
Compatible for Maitreya/ Belleza/ Slink high.
outfit : *MSS* Bella Bodusuit Robin Egg (picture1)
outfit : *MSS* Bella Bodusuit black (picture2)
Heal : Glamistry - AMARYLLIS Heels
Hair : TRUTH HAIR Verinne - browns
Hope you like it!
Enjoy your Secondlife!

MadPea Framed Baboon Poem & MadPea Framed Lion Poem
New free group gift from 5am SLT 5/12 to 5am SLT Saturday 5/13
Available after sale date at regular price at main store
MadPea Space Lamp
Fancy Decor: Crawford Cabinet (black) ( showing 2) NEW @ 88
Fancy Decor Fuck Throw Pillow
Fancy Decor So Fancy Throw Pillow
T-Spot Mesh - Spring Willow Tree w/ Bright Green Leaves
T-Spot Mesh - Grass Thick Straws
T-Spot Mesh - Maidenhair Fern Patch
T-Spot Mesh Tree No. 4A
T-Spot Mesh Tree No. 6B
T-Spot Mesh - Grass Thick Straws
T-Spot Mesh - Leaf Pile 1 - LI=0.5
T-Spot Mesh Grove - Green Beech 2

:.Prototype.:] Boss 428
..Prototype.::. SL65 AMG
llorisen // leon converted doublewide shack New - Deco(c)rate for May 2017- MadPea Productions
**Please note** I do not link non sponsors but you can copy the full name and search in world or MP
{anc} MoonLightLounge. ashtray stand 2Li
NOMAD // Brocante // Top Hat
*AF* Capturado Floor Mount - Adult
*AF* Capturado Padded Wall Blk 1
floorplan. industrial lighting
NOMAD // Who Knows (Everything Spins!)
[ zerkalo ] Hidden Corner - Mug & Books
[ zerkalo ] Black & White - Clock
:BAMSE: Brooklyn - Brooklyn
NFZ & Abiss - Obedience Chair
NOMAD // Tufted Chair w. Blanket
22769 ~ [bauwerk] Black Tied Leather Bench ADULT
[ zerkalo ] Black & White - Suitcase & Chess
.Bee designs Steampunk Living Room gacha Rugs
JIAN Lively Labs :: Black Wander Pup
Thursday, 11 May 2017
10052017 - Rains
It's raining heavily, do you think she (in the photo) is going to walk out from the building or she is going to close her umbrella and walk into the building.. Time to think :p
Anyway, there are lots of good item and I meant it, in Designer Showcase, you just need to tp there !!
Have fun..
Styling Credits@
Hair @^;^CaTwA^;^ Mesh Lucy Wet HairStyle & Tableau Vivant \\ Teri hair
Dress@ {AnaMarkova}Jett Harness/Chain Dress Carnation - Designer Showcase May
Umbrella@ *:..Silvery K..:*Japanese umbrella(BB)

Wednesday, 10 May 2017
[PUMEC] @ The Crossroad
Dear reader.
I would love to share with you [PUMEC] released skin applier for Catwa "Zizi"
you can find it at The crossroad.
Coming 4 skin tone (May,June, September,November), Shape, beauty HUD, body applier.
Styled together Necklace was by J&W Jewelers at Designer Showcase May.
Skin : .:[PUMEC] :. - .:ZIZI:. - @ The crossroad (28th End date)
Head : Catwa Catya
Hair : no.match_ ~ NO_CHARME ~ Pack of BLONDS @ Hello Tuesday
Necklace @ Designer Showcase
J&W jewelers Sagia Collection Emerald and Diamonds boxed (Picture1.2)
J&W Jewelers Emma Collection gold (left in picture3)
J&W Jewelers Emma Collection silver (left in picture3)
Enjoy your Secondlife!
Thanks for coming to my blog.
I would love to share with you [PUMEC] released skin applier for Catwa "Zizi"
you can find it at The crossroad.
Coming 4 skin tone (May,June, September,November), Shape, beauty HUD, body applier.
Styled together Necklace was by J&W Jewelers at Designer Showcase May.
Skin : .:[PUMEC] :. - .:ZIZI:. - @ The crossroad (28th End date)
Head : Catwa Catya
Hair : no.match_ ~ NO_CHARME ~ Pack of BLONDS @ Hello Tuesday
Necklace @ Designer Showcase
J&W jewelers Sagia Collection Emerald and Diamonds boxed (Picture1.2)
J&W Jewelers Emma Collection gold (left in picture3)
J&W Jewelers Emma Collection silver (left in picture3)
Enjoy your Secondlife!
Thanks for coming to my blog.
Sunday, 7 May 2017
08052017-Games are Fun
I love baseball,and use to played softball when I was young, errm that was ages ago..Anyway, during my recent trip to Japan, mostly at every corner of the district, there will be someone swinging the bat at the baseball field. That was like, omg they love baseball so much and even tho in the plane, the one who sat next to me, were watching baseball matches and interviews with the players.. I cant believe it so much...anyway, this is the spots that I love other than tennis.
Back to blogging, the Designer Showcase for May has already started, and featuring here are the Skin from WoW and the outfit from Hilly Haalan Fashions. Enjoy your shopping :D
Styling Credit @
Hair @ Tableau Vivant \\ Spring curls 5 - Black&Whites
Skin@ .::WoW Skins::. Temptation Milk Catwa applier -Designer Showcase May
Top & Skirt@ [hh] Arina Skirt & Crop Top (with hud) -Designer Showcase May
Baseball bat @ .tsg. Delinquent - Baseball Bat Lil Slugger
Gloves@ =Zenith=Criminal Police Gloves (Choco) -Maitreya
- Look 801 - Alice in Wonderland
Hair [Larcenist] Love com Hud Kawaii Mix @ {The Coven}.
{Roupas & Acessórios}
Outfit School Slut Candy Kitten *CK* com Follow Me Top + Naughty Princess Skirt + Garter Studded + 2 Hair Bow + School Tie + Nerd School Glasses + Cigarette + Smartphone + Tight Socks + Twinkle Star Sneakers.
Pose Back To School Kirin Poses com 5 poses + Livros.
Local da Foto Whole Wheat .
::Second Life::,
Candy Kitten *CK*,
Glasses Nerd,
Kirin Poses,
Love Hair,
outfit school,
The Coven,
Essences in Powder Pack May Lelutka
Dear reader.
Essences x PowderPack Lelutka time!
Essences released new skin beautiful "Yanka".
Including 3 skin tone (pale, medium,Dark), 6 color eyebrow.
Also, Shape, body applier TMP, Maitreya, Belleza, Omega system for body and hand.
Styled together accessory is released by Moondance Jewels at Designer Showcase May.
Powder pack order in-world / Powder pack order Marketplace / Powder Pack online
Skin : Essences Yanka #Medium01 (Lelutka Applier)
Head : Lelutka Chloe
Hair : TRUTH HAIR Miriam - browns
Accessory : Moondance Jewels Sandy Jewelry Set
(Necklace, bracelet, ring, earring / Color change by touch)
Enjoy your lelutka life!
Thanks for coming to my blog.
Essences x PowderPack Lelutka time!
Essences released new skin beautiful "Yanka".
Including 3 skin tone (pale, medium,Dark), 6 color eyebrow.
Also, Shape, body applier TMP, Maitreya, Belleza, Omega system for body and hand.
Styled together accessory is released by Moondance Jewels at Designer Showcase May.
Powder pack order in-world / Powder pack order Marketplace / Powder Pack online
Skin : Essences Yanka #Medium01 (Lelutka Applier)
Head : Lelutka Chloe
Hair : TRUTH HAIR Miriam - browns
Accessory : Moondance Jewels Sandy Jewelry Set
(Necklace, bracelet, ring, earring / Color change by touch)
Enjoy your lelutka life!
Thanks for coming to my blog.
Saturday, 6 May 2017
04052015-When the Light shines from the other side
A very beautiful dress comes with color hud. For me, it can be part of wedding dress in the wedding album.
Styling Credits:-
Hair @ AD - margaret - blacks
Dress@ [VM] VERO MODERO / AvaNT Garde Gown with Color HUD @ Main Store RFL Vendor for this EXCLUSIVE Design
Location @ Shiki Village

Friday, 5 May 2017
Powder Pack May Lelutka Edition
Dear sweetie.
Powder Pack May Lelutka Edition released.
Powder Pack in-world order / Powder pack marketplace order / Powder Pack online
I would love to share with you "amara beauty" new skin "Felicia"
Skin tone coming 12 tone, lipstick. and body applier by Omega system.
Shown on Lelutka Chloe.
Skin : amara beauty - Powder Pack LELUTKA MAY 2017 - Felicia
Head : LeLutka Bento Head-CHLOE 2.7
Hair : pr!tty - Minka - [Browns] :boxed:
body : Maitreya Lara
Enjoy your lelutka life!
Thanks for coming to my blog.
Powder Pack May Lelutka Edition released.
Powder Pack in-world order / Powder pack marketplace order / Powder Pack online
I would love to share with you "amara beauty" new skin "Felicia"
Skin tone coming 12 tone, lipstick. and body applier by Omega system.
Shown on Lelutka Chloe.
Skin : amara beauty - Powder Pack LELUTKA MAY 2017 - Felicia
Head : LeLutka Bento Head-CHLOE 2.7
Hair : pr!tty - Minka - [Browns] :boxed:
body : Maitreya Lara
Enjoy your lelutka life!
Thanks for coming to my blog.
Wednesday, 3 May 2017
Style1367 Kay
Powder Pack - Lelutka - May Edition Marketplace
amara beauty - Powder Pack LELUTKA May 2017 - Felicia Kit (#4)
*PROMAGIC* Lochan - gacha set wearing gold 1-8
United Colors _Ona_bikini_top_all in 1_Maitreya_Lara
Blueberry - Denise - Leggings Full Length - Maitreya
Kibitz - hearty watch [fatpack]
Pure Poison - Angela Platforms [BOXED]
Cover Photo
Powder Pack - Lelutka - May Edition Marketplace
amara beauty - Powder Pack LELUTKA May 2017 - Felicia Kit (#4)
Izzie's - LeLutka - Applier Storm Eyes (Powder Pack) ( brown)
::Modish:: Celeste [PowderPack Lelutka] May HUD v.2(Highlight)
[Pink Fuel] LELUTKA Lipstick - Popsicle Tints
Zibska Linh Lelutka Applier
LeLutka Bento Head-SIMONE 2.7
MaiOwn! Bedhead - Blondes
*LODE* Head Accessory - Rose Vintage Single [pink]
Please note I only tag my sponsors. You can find the other designers by searching in SL or on MP
Monday, 1 May 2017
01052017-Nom Nom Nom
Today is Labor Day in my country... YAY... so I am chilling with Second Life... hahaha ( some will says I do not have a life). Anyway it doesn't matter what others are saying as long you can see yourself clear enough.. continue my stories, I came back and homeless, and were in sandbox for few days... anyway, I have no friend to talk too in SL too, and no place to go too...You now might ask why I am still in SL or I am having a weird life too in SL. I am not sure how you all get friends in SL, but it is kinda hard for me, and for all my friends, they are either creator, or blogger, and so.. shut up.. i am busy :p.
And to cut the stories short, I decided to go back to my old sim, and lucky for me, Ayako has a parcel to rent out to me, and Yay Yay Yay, I am no longer homeless. And so, my quest began, I am searching for a perfect home, so i browse everywhere, and found one, and it is not yet for sale...sssszzzsshhsshss.... gotta wait till 12 noon today.... and I am grumpy, so I went to the creator sim and found food and they look delicious... jajajjaaja..
Styling Credits@
Hair @ [^.^Ayashi^.^] Sienna hair-Black&White set
Skin@ .:JUMO:. Miuccia Skin Fat Pack - Pale
Lipstick@Zibska [Versus Readers Group Gift] ~ Spring Gift
Necklaces@PP - Pearl Seashell Necklace
Rose@ASO! Rose
Blouse @ASO! Fairy -Sanarae (new release)
24042017- Bloom
This photo was taken last week, as i was travelling after that in real life.
Being a noob, after so long not logging into SL for few months is really a challenge, For now, I am sticking to my this head and will do a revision bit by bit.. I am very grateful to my friend Julia, for advising me that the bento head is not the same like normal av shaping... and she is very generous to give me the full pack of skin called Miuccia. As you all aware, I used only pale skin and so here is the effect :D
Styling Credit @
Headset@*LODE* Head Accessory - Gerbera [yellow] -@ Bloom
Skin @ .:JUMO:. Miuccia Skin Fat Pack - Pale
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