
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

.:: ANGELDUST ::. Dana Skin

Before I travel tomorrow morning, I would like to bring you this charity done by owner of Angel Dust, Ms Amohe. A very kind lady who always ever-ready her baseball stick in case I got bullied again in Second Life. That's what we do if we are in combat role-play sim.  

I admired her passion in her charity work and today she is back again with her charity to help one of the temple in Thailand. 

Please support her kind passion. Thank you :). 
A note from Ms. Amohe,

I am glad to introduce my latest creation to you. Dana comes in four different colors and you get all four colors PLUS the matching shape for an incredible low price of 200 L$ !!!

This skin iactually serves as a fundraiser and and 95% of the proceeds will be donated to Wat Ban Dim Dam Monastery in Thailand (5% go to either Casper Vend or to Marketplace).   

Last year, Thailand was stricken by the worst flood in years. In order to prepare for this year's rainy season, some more repairs need to be made and all temples and monasteries rely on donations to survive.

Casper Vendas well as Marketplace will be set up so the funds will go directly to Phra Ajahn Dhammo, a Buddhist monk who lives at Wat Ban Dim Dam Monastery.

His RL name is Venerable Phra Ajan Jiwa Dhammo. Not only does he come to SL and help guide many along their path and journey, but he also works tirelessly in the village that is his home. 

So, by purchasing this skin you are doing something nice for yourself PLUS you are doing a good deed by helping others ♥

Thank you so much and may you always be happy and free of suffering !!!


Phra Ajahn Dhammo

SL name: PhraDhammoRakitta Chingseng
RL name: Venerable Phra Ajan Jiwa Dhammo

facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Phra.Dhammo

Dāna or Daan (Pāli, Sanskrit: दान dāna) is generosity or giving. In Hinduism and Buddhism, it is the practice of cultivating generosity. Ultimately, the practice culminates in one of the perfections (pāramitā): the perfection of giving - dāna-pāramitā. This can be characterized by unattached and unconditional generosity, giving and letting go.

Skin @ .:: ANGELDUST ::. Dana - Sunkiss - Cleavage

Skin @ .:: ANGELDUST ::. Dana - Tan - Cleavage
Dress @ ***Arisaris Rig58 Waves of Flames (new release)

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