* This Anna sweater set comes with the skirt. It is by JellyRoll and it fits Maitreya, Belleza, Slink and TMP.
The colour change HUD gives you 11 options for the skirt and the top.
Can you believe it is just 1 L$?
You can find it on Marketplace.
* And the Anthea boots by Essent are even cheaper... they are FREE.
They come in standard mesh sizes and they fit Maitreya and Slink.
The colour change HUD gives you endless options.
You can find it on Marketplace.
* The Teddy Hair is by Foxy and it was their The Saturday Sale offer, which was 75 L$.
The price is back to normal: 350 L$ per hair tone.
* 7 Deadly s[K]ins has this awesome Siberia applier/skins combination at the Sense event. This event runs till February 8th.
I am wearing the pineapple version.
* The lovely make up is from the 10 L$ sale at Alaskametro and it is called Fall Essentials. Eye shadow and lipstick, you get 5 tones each.
Look for the SALE signs on the vendors.
* The gorgeous red nails are called Ravishing red and they are by Cazimi.
You can find more on my personal blog Go Dutch!